Follow Your Passions

Last week, the Eagles got to follow their curiosity through their productive Passion Time. It is when all of the children have an opportunity to pursue their passions or learn something they are curious about. At this time, they can do science experiments, research things in history, write in their journals, or do anything (productive) they individually want to do.

As I was walking through the rooms of the studio and watching our elementary group, I was amazed to see everyone so focused on what they were doing! They were having fun but not goofing around. They were all focusing on a task and loving it! The excitement was tangible. 

Here at Acton Academy, we are committed to making “learning” feel like it’s a game. We want “learning” to become a part of the Eagles’ lives so that it becomes a natural and fun thing to do. So That way, when they get to Middle School and things get more difficult, they already have this foundation of “loving to learn!”

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