Seeds of Potential and Our Inner Gifts

Today, I want to actually do a “launch” with you. This is the term we use for the discussions we have with our students and this one is called the Seeds of Potential. It usually happens during our first session, and we do this particular launch every year in the fall.

We start with a bowl of different-looking apples, and we ask the children to look at them, touch them, and smell them. Observe the differences. Then the Guide cuts open the apples and shows the Eagles the inside. They observe that each of the apples has a beautiful star-shaped center. We explained to them that we are also like apples. No matter how different we look on the outside, all of us have stars on the inside. All of us have something inside us that makes us unique. And if you think about it, that makes us all the same. All of us have something different inside of us that makes us stand out.

Now the seeds inside the star are what we call the seeds of potential. If we just leave the seeds on their own, or maybe throw them out, nothing will happen to them. However, if we plant them in the ground, they will need many things to grow, such as soil, fertilizer, sunlight, and water. We tell the children that the seeds of the apples are also like the seeds inside of them; they are the tools that they need to grow and nurture so they can reach their full potential in life. Additionally, we explained to them the importance of having a support system like friends, family, and mentors to help them on their hero’s journey.

I really love doing launches like these with the Eagles, especially with our newcomers at Acton. Tons of amazing things always come out during these discussions. Plus, it’s a really fun way to introduce them to the importance of their own gifts, and how they make each one of them special!

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